1. Zero pesticides and preservatives
Every crop planted in an UrbanGrow farm uses no pesticides, herbicides, manure or soil.

2. Clean and fresh
Grown in a controlled indoor growing environment allows us to grow 365 days a year, with absolutely no pesticides. We want to bring you and your family fresh and safe, every time.

3. Grown closer to home
Since we are hyper-local, our produce is delivered within a few hours of harvest.

4. No need to wash
This kind of farming means we avoid pesticides, pollution, soil contamination and manure. Means less washing and 100% nasty-free

5. Extremely healthy food source
The output of most urban farms are vegetables, typically loose leaf lettuces, herbs, or brassicas. According to Choosemyplate.gov, health benefits of produce are almost unbeatable, including:
– Vegetables do not have cholesterol
– Vegetables are high in fiber
– Vegetables are sources of many nutrients including: potassium, folate, Vitamin A & Vitamin C.

6. Always Peak Season
Growing in a controlled environment means it???s a perfect summer???s day, year-round, whatever the weather.

7. Use Less Water
Hydroponic farms use ~95% less water than an equivalent conventional farm.

8. Non GMO
We use certified organic seeds wherever possible.

9. Tracked & Traced
Crops are tracked seed to harvest via our unique proprietary software.

10. Labor and time savers
Fewer works on tilling, watering, cultivating, and fumigating weeds and pests, more time saved because plants??? growth is proven to be higher in Hydroponics.